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About Me

Hi! I’m a scientific software developer and computational materials scientist.

I use this website mostly to share projects I’ve worked on.

Software Projects

on-the-fly autocorrelation with HOOMD-blue

A HOOMD-blue plug-in that allows for on-the-fly multi-tau autocorrelation, using the code accompanying [this paper].(https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.3491098)

an MBAR python package

My first from-scratch python package, a helper for wrangling my simluation data for PMF (potential of mean force) calculations. Submitted as my final project for ChE 696 with Prof. Heather Mayes.

modeling the CTA with networkx

My final project for CMPLXSYS 535 (Computer Modeling of Complex Systems) with Prof. Marisa Eisenberg.



In 2017 I co-founded REACT, a free one-day workshop for K-12 teachers led by grad students at U of M. Check out the website for downloadable activity guides!

REACT is no longer at the University of Michigan, but continues on in Cornell’s Materials Science and Engineering Dept.